Thursday, May 28, 2009


This is how I'm going to fix this huge problem. I am going to get over being angry at him and myself and fix the problem. I am overweight by more than I will ever care to admit but I'm going to change. I am going to change how I view food, how I take care of my body, and how I feel about myself. I need to remember that I am worth taking care of. People love and care about me and I should too.

Loving myself will come from: not beating my self up, taking care of my body through nutrition and exercise, and organizing my life.

My Long Term Goals:
By July 1, 2010, my 20th birthday, I will:
  1. have gotten to my goal weight of 165lbs.
  2. have changed my mindset about food (by eating when I'm hungry and stopping when I'm full (aka. intuitive eating))
  3. have established an exercise routine
  4. have established focus in school
  5. I'm sure there will be more....

Since the rec center on campus is closed to me until June 8th, I will start the first two weeks concentrating on food and establishing new habits. I don't think I've ever done anythign for two weeks straight so this will be a true test.

From 5-25 to 6-8 I will:

  • work on stopping when I'm full
  • drink lots of water
  • journal (now blog) everyday

Exercise will soon become a very important part of this plan but for the next two weeks I will only "work out" when I feel like it and strive to be more active on a daily basis through other means (chores etc.)

xo Megan

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