Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day Two - Ouch

Today I woke up with really really really sore quads. Ouch! Weirdly enough, though, that was the only part of me that was super sore. Everything else wasn't too bad.

I had the day off today and my boyfriend and I decided to sleep in (and by decided I mean kept shutting off the alarm). After pulling myself out of bed, I hung out around the apartment, watched the first episode of the Biggest Loser Season 9 and then decided to go to the gym.

I figured even though I worked out yesterday, if I'm in the mood I should definitely go! So today, I completed Day Two of the Couch25K program which is the same 31 minute workout as day 1. It was a little tough today. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I ran indoors. It's not as interesting as running outside with the breeze and a changing view. You know?

But the big point is that I did it! I completed day two (with only a small 30 second break in the middle) and I am so proud!

Also eating has been frigging awesome for the past two days. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


That's right. Today I started the Couch to 5K program. I bought the iPhone app which times the workouts for you and contains the entire 9 week program.

My favorite thing about the app is that it tells you (in your headphones) when you're half way done, when to start running, and when to walk. It's really great.

Today's workout (day one) looked like this:

"Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Five minute cool down walk."

A total of 31 minutes. Whew. It was quite the work out but I feel really great. Now it's off to bed by 11:00 and another productive day tomorrow. I'll try to update this from week to week. Good night!

Day One

So I did it. I had/am still having the perfect day.

I went to bed relatively early last night (11:00pm) and woke up at 7:00am. I had my orange and coffee then... I went for a walk/run! Yup. I actually did it. I was only out for about 15 minutes but I still got my butt outside.

I continued to eat almost completely raw until dinner time, the exception being granola bars for snacks. I feel crazy amazing! I've even been "chipper" all day. Could I be turning into a morning person? :O

Right now I am about to head to the gym for another work out. 2010 is the year!

Fresh Start. Weigh In #1

Good Morning!!!!

Do you know what I was doing before 8:00am today??? Jogging. In the cold. It. Was. Awesome!!! Now it's 9:00 am and I feel so full of energy it's crazy! Had a great breakfast and made a super healthy (huge) salad for lunch! I'm planning on this starting day to be a perfect day. I feel like I can do it.

Now, for the bad news. Weigh in:

Starting Weight: 232.0 lbs.

Ahhhhh!!!! Scary. Since I've started I've come almost full circle. In a very bad way. It sucks, but what can I do know? Fix it. Start again and don't quit. That's the plan!

Monday, January 11, 2010

*Blows off dust* Hello old friend.

Oh, how have you been?

Good? Well that's great...

... How have I been? Oh you know...

Getting fat!

So where have I been, really? Busy? Yes. Avoiding making videos and blogging? Also yes. It's been forever since I have blogged consistently and I apologize.

The collab channel I'm apart of called the SevenFatVloggers is doing a Biggest Loser challenge the corresponds with the show. It started last week... and I missed the video. I feel so crappy about slacking like this.

So what to do? The truth is every time I've disappeared I've come back with some sort of "revelation" but really... weight loss just hasn't been a priority. Even when it should be. Well long story short. I'm starting over. Like, "day one" over. That day would be tomorrow.

Just to put it in writing, I've also decided to try running... in the morning... starting tomorrow!

Wish me luck.